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Unix Control Software for the Ten-Tec RX320 Receiver

This is the beta version 0.6.1 of rx320, a Unix/Linux control program for the Ten-Tec RX320 receiver with a graphical user interface.

RX320 main screen


Currently the program is capable of communicating with the receiver using one of the available serial ports. There is also support for managing frequency database files: the program can read and save files in Clifton Turner's *.320 format, and the receiver can be tuned to selected stations. New stations can be entered and existing ones can be edited.

The program can also scan a frequency band and display a graphical view of station activity.

RX320 scan window

The program saves the whole receiver state on exit, including the two VFO frequencies, and restores it on startup. The receiver is also reinitialized every time a power-on is detected.

Downloading and installing the software

The latest version (0.6.1) of the control program can be downloaded from here. You will need xclass version 0.8.3 or higher in order to compile and run the program. Xclass is available from sourceforge, and the current version is 0.8.3.

Once downloaded, unpack the sources:
tar zxf rx320-0.6.1.tgz
then go to the just created directory with the sources and build the executable:
cd rx320-0.6.1
The executable is named rx320, if you are the superuser you can install it in an standard location with the command
make install
If you do not have root access, you can install instead the application locally in your home directory, by typing
make install_user
That will cause the executable to be copied to $HOME/.xclass/bin and the help files to $HOME/.xclass/docs/rx320. You should then to either add $HOME/.xclass/bin to your $PATH environment variable, or to copy the rx320 executable to a suitable directory.


To run the program, just type rx320 and the main window should appear. You'll probably have to select a serial port, below we explain how to do it and how to use the program.


The serial port device initially defaults to /dev/ttyS1, and if you're using another port you'll have to use the configuration dialog to enter the correct device name. Right click on the main window and a popup menu will appear, select "Configuration..." and in the dialog that appears enter the new device name. Make sure you have the correct permissions to access the serial port.

Mouse operation:

Keyboard shortcuts:

The program implements a large number of keyboard shortcuts to allow mouseless operation. The following keys are the most commonly used:

You will find a complete list in the help pages.

Frequency database access:

By Right-clicking on an empty space between buttons a popup menu will appear. Select the "Frequency database..." option to open a new frequency database window.

RX320 Frequency Database Window

You can have any given number of database windows open simultaneously. To load a frequency file (*.320 or *.cdf) use the Open option from the File menu of the database window. Double-click on station names to tune the receiver into that station. Select "Edit/Add new station" to enter a new station into the database, "Edit/Change entry" lets you edit the currently selected database entry.

Page last updated: Jul 5, 2004.